1. Bobbi Brown Liquid Eye Liner 2. Get Bus Tix to Spore 3. Watch National Treasure 2 4. Call Mandee fr Fenzy Management 5. Guess Bag 6. Topshop jeans 7. Get Zoukout Tix 8. Get a Spore Number 9. Meeting wit Eddie 10. Meeting wit Bryant 11. Visit M.O.S SPore
Im Missing Kay Elle Already !! Will be leaving to Singapore 1 week from today Im sOO gonna Miss Spicy.. Im soO gonna Miss Upstairs @ Loft.. Im soO gonna Miss Mummy & Daddy (at times) :P Im sOO gonna Miss my Bed (my Heavan) Im soO gonna Miss Rascal Xtiane & XtaL(mY sisters) Im soO gonna Miss Maggie Goreng(Chadran's) Im soO gonna Miss Sabrina & Jazline (mY sIsters from another Mother) Im soO gonna Miss MK(aka 'kai xin puo') Im soO gonna Miss my Dear Im soO gonna Miss EVeRY singLE thiNg from Every Corners of Kay Elle !!!
Welcome Singapore.. Goodbye Darling Malaysia.
It wiLL be a New Beggining for Me over in Singapore.. Hope EverYtHinG goeS weLL theRe.. I believE it wiLL.. Thank got i haf d Santa Marias tO look aftER me.. Also my Spore Partner in Crime ( Cynthia )
ZoukOut!!! Cant wait Cant Wait.. Juz wishEd daT aLL my frens fr Msia can nJOy it with Me.. Not forget mY supplements :P
Juz came bacK from USJ,Hartamas Square & SpicY
Clement fooled mE!!! The puB wasnt fun at all.. Infact i Dun ever tiNk its a friggin Pub! AnywaYs stiLL must thAnk Clement Kong for bringiNg us out.. Thanks Clement Kong(If u're Reading it)
Tomorror i shall Club again.. Scarlet..or Loft? Hmm iM goNNA go ALL Out this whoLe week.. 7 daYs left till iM gOnE.. Then everywan can just Forget about me.. Leave me alone to die.. LoLX jusT kiddinG.. I wont let anywan & I mean Anyone to Forget me..
So Peeps readinG this.. I will be already Thrown to Singapore when u guyS are readinG this.. I wiLL NOT let U forget me OKiess.. Without me,NO one can njOy here in MSIA alrite! NOBODY ! I wanna be ur HappiesT Hello & ur Saddest Goodbye alrite!