Redang 2009
So last week babydear & me followed Kiff & family to a roadtrip up to Redang.
The journey was absolutely long. i swear im never ever gonna drive to Kuala Terengganu again.
But thank god we had other stuff 2 entertaint us during the journey =P Fun timez!
So we headed down to Kemaman to makan the famous Stuff crab.
Then we headed to Kuala Terengganu to stay a night.
Initially we couldnt get a hotel room due to the peak season. but thank god we manage to get one in the end. Or esle i guess we will be sleeping in d car =)
So the next day we took the ferry down to Redang. It was absolutely gorgeous.
But, not up to my expectation.
I just think that the island is abit too commersialised. I mean the whole island is practically like a market.
with lotsa local people. ish.
Probally due to the school holidays in Malaysia i guess.
Snorkelling was fun, but boring though.
Somehow i think that Phi Phi island is Phuket is much much nicer. Bigger too ;)
For leisure though, i much very prefer Bali. Gosh i miss Bali.
Beginning our Road Trip
Some head Banging in the car. Lol.
The Girlz
The Guys.
Thanks baby for planning this trip for us although it wasnt up to my expectation =)
Pillow Fight begins!
I duno what the hell was we playing =) but it was fun. haha
Out for dinner
Ramly burger @ KL is much nicer than the one there.

Here we are at the beautiful island od Redang.

Pasir Panjang

Thanks to Xtine for dragging me out after i suffered the death of my 4 year old Camera
=( thank god we still had her hp =)

Ours is ''L''
on the ferry

Cute signboards

Warming up sikit..haha u knoe i knoe

Miss Christine Loo

White sandy beach

''CK'' as in Christine Kiff. Lol.
I wasnt able tot ake off my sunnies for some reason ;P
I got abit too overdosed that i deleted the nicer pic of us. Crap.
Cutie Wei Nan & Suet Nee aka Kiff's siblings. They love to pose =)
Damn 7 kik. Lol.
Wtf. baby ur body shape like Christal when she's dancing on the podioum! hahahaha
Absolutely fun (before the death of my camera)
The Sohai's. hahahaha. good timez!
Ana Banana
Miss Kerrie & gang came to visit us =)
Redang was nice. But i would prefer somewer more quiet & relaxing.
the island was just too crowded & too noisy.
The beach though was realli beautiful.
Anyways, the moment we arrive bek in kl.
The next day, my boyfriend met an accident. He got bang from behind then he banged the car infront of him.
Now his baby is in the workshop for at least 3 weeks.
thank god his alrite though =)