Andiana BlackPINK Birthday Bash '09

My sweetie pie sister trying to surprise my pet bro Ian.

Then we reached TimeSquare hotel & started setting things up =)

Christal couldnt help thanks to her being too tall..wuahahahaha

I know i mention the party starting 8pm till late. But Amy got high wayyy before the party started. Hahaha.

Christine with memories of Andiana from year 2005-2009

Thanks to the amazing team work,we got things done by 5pm!

Baby Bolster & Lala Princess. Lol.

Caught in act

Us girlz did the double sided tape on the baloons. while em guys sticked it on the wall. great job guys!

We so totallyy lurve the projector effects

superb lights =) like our private night club. hahaha.

Mr Frankie doing the baloons

Miss 'ON'. Hahahaha.

Doing our nails before the partyy

Finallyy our first meal of the day. Cup noodles. Lol.

Me & the guys enjoying our noodles. Thats the only thing we makan-ed the whole night. Kesiannya.

Christal Missing out. Too busy shopping with her ''Baby Bolster''. Hahaha.

Adam dancing while doing the baloons. Lucky didnt pokai. Hahaha.

Us & Monivic who was one of the first to arrives =) Thanks alot for coming guys!!!

Then came my darling & her extended family =)

The group watching the slideshow of previous memories from yesteryears


Good old timez.

My Party kakis. Miss ''On''. Miss ''Confirm''. Miss ''Absolutely''. LOL

My one & only baby dear who did so much to make this a realliii goood b'day for us. Lotsa love.


TJ>Victor Trixter>Xtine

awwww...sweeetnyaa ini dua

Then came my sisty Cherry & the gang

My one & only Partner in Crime & in Every single thing! hehehe *u knoe i knoe baybeh*

Time for the cake!

Yans & Me. I absolutely adored your gift so much babe! much love =)

The Ladies in Pink (but Christal is missing)

Finally Christal came out from the room. Lol. These are my 2 sweethearts.

Sweetie Monica & Me (2nd Shot taken by vic) thumbs up dude. At least manage to take the baloons behind too. Haha.


Birthday kisses from my Jimuis

Lotsa love babes =)

Miss ''On''s future FB primary photo

The Terbalik ''Honeys''. (I bet u're so gonna laugh ur ass out baybeh). Hahahaha.

Ana & the cute Lovebirds!


Me & my Darlings's extended family

My one & only sister from the same mother

Me & the Room Gang. Hahaha.

ANDIANA & the Men in
ANDIANA & the Hottiess in

These pose here reminds me of Route 69 @ Bangkok right darlingg! hehehe Goood timez are never forgotten =)

Finallyy my Sabbie is here

The ''Lansi'' Wannabes. Hahaha.

Much Love for the Cake Darlingg =) It was a reallii sweet idea of yours to write on it =)

My babydear & Mon's bubukins =)

Chocholate Mud Cake..Yummmyyy. Gone in one day! hahaha.

Mr Gou Lou

The four of us. Brothers & Sisters (U knoe i knoe)

My Baby Dear's Group of Friends

My Cherryy Berryyy. I absolutely love the blouse u present me sis =) luckily it wasnt the same one as i bought! hahahaha lotsa & lotsa LOVEEE!

Oopz. got music but they prefer using headset. apalah. LOL

The Camwhore wannabes (just like old timez) hahaha

Cherry>Yoke Moi>Alice>Ana>Sheila

Mr Limp

Sab-ha Sab-ha. LOl. My dear sis Sabrina. I totallyy appreciate you coming although u werent feelings well. you know i luv u loads sis!

The Gay wannabes. Sai meng loves it doggy style. LOL

Funny faces before signing out =)

The backdrop was my babydear's creation. Thanks so much dear.

My most favourite birthday ever. More better ones to come =)


Andy's ''Heng Dai''

Dancing to the beat

My baby Bro

ANDIANA & michoh with his ladyy =)

Finallyy. Its time. LOL


Me & the Anak Lelaki. Hahahahaha.

Bimbo wannabes! LOL


Sweetiee Amy & Me. I absolutely loved the present u guys gave me babe =) Lotsa love & kisses!

Its time to End the show. My Baby Dear & Baby Bro =)
All in all it was a great partyy. Although there were some complications. But i totallyy had soo much of fun =)
I absolutely loved all my Anna Sui cosmetic gift sets =) Hehehe & also my Forever 21 blouse from my sisty Cherryyy
Also my wonderful cake & sweet words on it from my darlinggg Jessica.
Thanks so much to everyone who attended.
Thanks to those who made this party a great one.
Lotsa Love,Hugs & Kisses.
Lotsa HUGSZZZLOVEKISSSES 4my ultimate partner in crime :P
hehehehehe..omg the bangkok pose!! hahahaa i so miss those times!! *hinthint*
Glad The Black and Pink party turned out to be yr fav :)Coincidently, me had my BESTEST ONE ever too!! :P
LOve U darling!!
Hehehe yeshh i knoee youu had The Bestest Bday ever this year =) So glad u enjoyed it very muchiee!
You knoe ure my ultimate sister forever & ever =) Hehehe lotsa love darlingg!
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