Dare to Dream =)
So i stayed home watching High School Musical 1 & 2 yesterday..yesh AGAIN!
I never got bored of it no idea why. Some say its like a kids movie.
But i think its very very entertaining =) I love musical movies alott! The songs , the lyrics , the hot Zac Efron especially!
It really made me wished that my high school days were just like theirs. Lol.
I seriously wished i was borned & raised in the United States. Seriously.
I've always dream to attend their high school. Its sooo coOOL =)
1 very good example - West Beverly Hills High - u knoe what i mean darlingg =)
Boy if only..
Anyways i cant help but noticed that Zac Efron is really soO damn good looking!
I mean he looks HOT in the 1st & 2nd episode but seriously he looks even hotter in the 3rd episode!
So grown up & matured! Goshhh
Those sexy pair of eyes...makes my heart melt away la.. Hahaha
And that dark hair..ooo & that bod! (arghh i practically going crazy for him!)
I know it sounds crazy but ermmm..
I've never liked a teenage hearthrob that much since Justin Timberlake! (And that was back when i were still a kid)
Shit. I guess im still a kid after all..falling for hot teenage actor!
I admire this 2 young teenage couple soo muchhh. Its like they became famous together!
They acted alongside as couples in HSM1,2 & of cosh Senior Year 3.
So obviously they knew each other very very well on set & off set of cosh =)
Its so damn cool that they ended up together (off set) . Such a beautiful couple seriously.

Hahahaha. I sound like a crazy mental girl on loose!
Anyways i hope this two stay out of the limelight & dont let the paparazzi ruin what you share together.
Any guy in beanie & aviators are hot to me =)
Lol. Alright back to reality.
I just came back from work. Yeap got sales today & so decided to malas sikit. Lol
Just received a text fr Raymond that there is no morning briefing tomorror..
Hurrayy this means MORE sleep!
Ciao peeps =) Go watch high school musical 3!!!
hahaaha u naughty girl..talking about zac efron like that!!! :P hahahaa..**understoooooooood** darling darling..i so wish for er hmmm erhmmmm..ETHAN!!
hahahahaaaa..*sshhhhh :P
i know u know..
my partner in crime,
i feel like i've not seen u in ages u knowww..:(
Ahahahaha yeshhh darlingg finallyy got to see u just noww! But no worries im suree we will be seing alot of each other the next few days ;) Im waitingg for the weekend babe! Ohh yesh Ethan is so hottt toooo! Hahaha if only it was ZE & Ethan staring in 17 Again..ohh well Ty is hot too so watever..Hahahaha HUGS!!
Lotsa love darlingg..
I cant wait for...!!!
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