Alrite i was about to blog about the new hairstyle i decided on doing before my Birthday.
So i plugged in my hard disk to search for my old hairstyle pics..
when lil did i knoe..i got caught up in ''OUR'' old pictures! Hahaha!
So i changed my mind on the topic i wanna blog about. Prolly tomorror only i will blog about the hairstyle thingy.
As for now..heres the story..
It all started on one fine day in the year 2006..
My Boyfriend aka Andy decided to bring me out for dinner to get to know his cousin sister.
I felt a lil weird that all of a sudden why would he wanna introduce to me to this girl when i barely even know his friends! (at that time) =P
So we went for dinner at TGIF in Curve & i got to know this cousin of his name Jessica Wong =)
My first impression of her is wow she's reallyy friendlyy & sweet!
So after dinner we went our separate ways & did not meet for like a year.
Then next thing i know. After a year passed. This sweet cousin of his became the Bestest Girlfriend i've ever had =) Hahaha its funnyy to come to think of it..
Cause i remember our 1st time meeting up after that One whole year of not contacting each other was when..
It was after i had this huge arguement with Andy then i decided to join u @ Maison which was really happening at that time right darlingg =) Our ladies night out!
And we had sooo Much FUN!!! Right babe? hehehe we totallyy clicked from that moment on
Now the one person we should thank is Andy. hahaha.
Cause without him, we wouldnt have known each other.
And without him, we wouldnt even have gone out! LOL
So i plugged in my hard disk to search for my old hairstyle pics..
when lil did i knoe..i got caught up in ''OUR'' old pictures! Hahaha!
So i changed my mind on the topic i wanna blog about. Prolly tomorror only i will blog about the hairstyle thingy.
As for now..heres the story..
It all started on one fine day in the year 2006..
My Boyfriend aka Andy decided to bring me out for dinner to get to know his cousin sister.
I felt a lil weird that all of a sudden why would he wanna introduce to me to this girl when i barely even know his friends! (at that time) =P
So we went for dinner at TGIF in Curve & i got to know this cousin of his name Jessica Wong =)
My first impression of her is wow she's reallyy friendlyy & sweet!
So after dinner we went our separate ways & did not meet for like a year.
Then next thing i know. After a year passed. This sweet cousin of his became the Bestest Girlfriend i've ever had =) Hahaha its funnyy to come to think of it..
Cause i remember our 1st time meeting up after that One whole year of not contacting each other was when..
It was after i had this huge arguement with Andy then i decided to join u @ Maison which was really happening at that time right darlingg =) Our ladies night out!
And we had sooo Much FUN!!! Right babe? hehehe we totallyy clicked from that moment on
Now the one person we should thank is Andy. hahaha.
Cause without him, we wouldnt have known each other.
And without him, we wouldnt even have gone out! LOL
Lotsa love babe =) U know how much i appreciate this friendship rite ;)
From Friends,to Cousin sis in Laws,to Besties,to Sisterhood..
Our friendship has grown so much & im so lucky to have u always by my side no matter what.
Although we dont get to see each other everyday, but a simple phone call can help us keep each other updated right ;)
From Friends,to Cousin sis in Laws,to Besties,to Sisterhood..
Our friendship has grown so much & im so lucky to have u always by my side no matter what.
Although we dont get to see each other everyday, but a simple phone call can help us keep each other updated right ;)
Its really so nice to have photos that we are able to look back & smile.
See its a good thing we're cam whores right? Hehehe.
Ur birthday is coming up & i cant waiitt to celebrate this special day with u babe ;) Lets go for a good dinner kays! HUGSS!!
U know u lup me
Ur gossip partner in Crime
Dearest sis,
OMg..ahahaa i can imagine if we were both single during the same timing...muahahahahaha *wink*wink* hahaa..guess we're both settled pretty well now too :p
OMG OMG so old the photosss...aha yr bangs and the bob :P GO blonde babe, then later jet black! hahahaha :D i can't wait for YOUR BIG DAY!! love love love is in the air air air air :)
It's been amazing and boy how time flies by eh? We've known each other for like 4 years and going strong :)*HUGZZZ*
Cheers and toast to our bond, may we always go crazy over robpat and have our gila gila moments last forever :)
More rose and wine, holidayings and camwhoring plss..hehehehheee..
yr partner in crime
i know u love me :)
hehee o yes, andy wanted to intro me to you coz he would hope that we click and he could actually have a family member to be closer with you darling, getting along with family is a good sign :)
I'm so uber glad we clicked and tadaa look where we are now :)
hEhehehE yeshh it would be crazyy if we were single at the same time ;) Hahaha but yeap i totally agree that we're settled now & its also a great thing right darlingg!
Ohh yeshhh was the bomB! My favourite vacation ever =) I love our choc milk sessions in our hotel ;) Hehehe
Yeapp time flied by sooo darn fastt..who knows in a couple of years time either one of us will b walking down the aisle =) Then we'd be each others maid of honour! Hehehehe i miss each & every one of our happy moments together =) Im so grateful for having a wonderful sister like youu!!!
more holidays to come yesh!
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