Live your Life
So i know i havent been updating about my life lately but heres the full weeks update =)
Last night the group came out to discuss about tonight's Session @ Berjaya Times Square Hotel.
Basically, we are celebrating Blackie's pre Bday party tonight & the theme is Pyjamas!
So yeah we're gonna be in our pjs tonight with our lil sunnies on. Lol. Thats gonna be hilarious.
But im very 100% sure we gonna make full use of the whole damn night!
Counting down the hours ;)
So after our yumcha session las9 , we decided to head over to our ''usual'' spot to chill
The group started sharing about our personal lives & also relationship wise
Everything from Sex,Love,Money,Friends etc.
I just heart em so much for being so honest to each other & just saying & sharing whatevers thats on our mind.
Isnt this what friends are for?
Baby & me got into a huge fight , and our friends became our counsellors. Lol.
Thanks so much for helping u guys..the party shall continue tonight kays ;)
So i know i havent been updating about my life lately but heres the full weeks update =)
Last night the group came out to discuss about tonight's Session @ Berjaya Times Square Hotel.
Basically, we are celebrating Blackie's pre Bday party tonight & the theme is Pyjamas!
So yeah we're gonna be in our pjs tonight with our lil sunnies on. Lol. Thats gonna be hilarious.
But im very 100% sure we gonna make full use of the whole damn night!
Counting down the hours ;)
So after our yumcha session las9 , we decided to head over to our ''usual'' spot to chill
The group started sharing about our personal lives & also relationship wise
Everything from Sex,Love,Money,Friends etc.
I just heart em so much for being so honest to each other & just saying & sharing whatevers thats on our mind.
Isnt this what friends are for?
Baby & me got into a huge fight , and our friends became our counsellors. Lol.
Thanks so much for helping u guys..the party shall continue tonight kays ;)
On the 6th of March the group headed down to Friendster Cafe to have a small celebration for Blackie's bday. Anyways, we then decided to head to A Shang Hai..a new nightclub @ KL. But some of us had work to attend to the next day so we change venues & decided to head down to our ''usual'' spot again. Lol. I didnt manage to go to work the next day becoz was too darn exhausted. But i did have lotsa fun that night though =)
Last weekend, after celebrating James B'day. I then joined the group @ Loft. It was a no ''cake'' clubbing night for us & we was a lil boring..gosh. So everyone was just counting down the time for our 2nd round @ Subaru. Anyways, Subaru was the bomb! We partied hardcore style till 6am in the morning =) good timez
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