Karaoke Session
So us ladies decided to head down to 1u for a Karaoke session since lunchtime is the BESt time to go coz its the CHEAPEST of cosh =)
had lotsa fun singing non stop with my fav ladies.
We sang lotsa Michael Jackson's song..goshh made me miss the King of Pop even more.
Then, we're all bek home now thinking when's our Ladies Night?
hmm hopefullyyy soooon yea ;) after everyone getting their bf's approval then we're good to gooo... =)
The 3 of us cam whoring as usual in the car =P
Darling Mon & Xtine
Mon finallyy getting into the singing mood. Hahaha.
Black or White-MJ
The 4 Devils =)
Xtine kacau-ing CB Bo. LOL
Since there was nuthing to do we decided to make use of my camera =P
Cibai Tine breaking Cibai Bo's singing mood. wuahahaha.
Standing by her side as always =) thats what sisters are for man!
Ohh yess darling i knoww u are soo waiting for this pic =P hahaha
Familiar Dance move? Us making fun of the KIDS!
Cutie Mr Culkin in Mj's video. Gosh i love naughty boys =P
Doing the Lady Gaga thingy. this is the part where we started dancing abit =) hehe
Awwww...heart pain
My Fav Shot =) although my hair looks so damn reddish beside ur's la babe! hahaha. Scary!
Hopefully the cctv didnt catch us =P inside joke u knoe i knoe! =)
Xtine just called me saying damn boring & Kiff is out =) Wheeeee hopefullyyy it ladies night tonight!
Any suggestions?
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