CNY 5th Day
On the 5th day of CNY i decided to follow my parents over to Dato Raymond's place for their lil house party @ Sierramas
Their house was so freaking awesome =) Big too because they just moved into the penthouse
I totallyy loved the Bar & the Huge Balcony Lounge outside..goshh i want that went i get a house kays *hints*
And Mr's Raymond even had a walk-in thts totallyy my dream larh. LOL
And surprisingly their daughter aka my mumm's other godaughter in totallyy in lurvee with RobPat tooo!!!! Hahahaha she told me she watched Twilight like 5 timez already =) thts crazier than me..hahahaha. So she played twilight on dvd & yesh i watched it again
But this time with liquor of cosh. Hehehe. I was like jumping up & down everything ''Edward'' appeared on screen
My mum was like asking me all questions about Twilight
''Why he is a Vampire?'' ''Whos the Girl''
''The girl reallyy pretty etc''
But they totallyy ignored me when i asked em to just look into Edward's eyes
It was sooo totallyy intense & sexy..but they ignored that.
Urghh potong my stim only. LOL
anyway, moving on..we headed to BabyDear'd place for his everyyear get together with friends thingy.
A group of about 20plus of us gathered at his house. I tink it totally sked the hell out of his brother. Hahaha.
At first i decided not to gamble coz they were like playing minimum Rm20 bucks. Gila.
Then my hands were abit itchy soo i was like alrite i'll try my luck today
And i was winning like rm200+ !!! Until i got greedy & started to loose some of it..
My friends were like ''walao Ana ur money keep on tambah hor..damn shiok ar u''
Bugger they shouldnt open their mouth la..i damn pantang wann..
C end up loose some of it then oni win like rm110
Which is still good but not Great coz i had to give rm20 to baby cause he lost playing ''Rami''
So now i oni have rm95 which i cant even do much with it.
Hahaha it was his money anyway so im still a Happiiee girl =)
Okays im gonna stop mumbling cause im heading back home to get ready now for dinner with my Familyy..finally a reunion dinner with my dad's family
Then, later tonight we might be heading to Genting with darren & gang
But i promised if the plan's cancelled then i'll join u at B9 as planned earlier on okays darlingg
Its been awhile since we went ''Home'' i know =P
BTW i totallyy lurve ur surprise last night..hahaha damn funny i told my dad about it & he was laughing like hell
I guess the both of us had gotten Surprises right last9 =)
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