Mrs RobPat
I had a good weekend (Despite the HUGE Drama Lama)
On friday i went down to Curve to do a lil XMas shopping =) Brought Xtiane with me
But before that we met up wit my darlingg Jessica for lunch & i received a very big surprise news (u know i know darlingg)
I love our girly catching up timez with you =P
Anyways, later that night it was HQ9 for Elayne's birthday which i've already uploaded pictures in my previous blog entry.
Then, Sat we all went down to to search for clothes for Massive Rave.
Yesh the dresscode is Black&White. Just like my birthday party this year!
Anyways, i did manage to get something according to the colour code =)
We also had lunch @ U-Village as usual & as usual again we bumped into Victor Trixter!
So ironic this is like the 2nd time bumming into him there.
So night came & we headed over to Botakz hse for his son's 1 year old party. Drank quite alot there i'd say.
And after that Hq9 again. This time the whole club was EMPTY?! But it was cool though coz we were only there to catch the live match =)
I just hope Z's place will do well & improve in the future. Wouldnt want our sista looking rather down everyday dont we.
Something really bad happen before reaching home. Its been awhile since drama hit us.
Anyways, i just want to say im so thankful for having you as my dearest girl friend ever darlingg!
Thanks for being there for me especially when i really needed you to.
Lotsa Hugs & Kisses to you!
Few more days to Massive Rave Party @ Capsquare,KL.
Hopefully this will be one of the raves to remember tooO. The group are really all so excited about this Saturday =) But i think we're even more excited about 26th December...
Cause that's when my parents are leaving to Penang!
Meaning we will have the whole house to ourselves!!! Wheeeee...
We're gonna party till we drop for 4 days in a row @ my cribb =) Cant wait!
darling!!!!!i lubluplubbbbb u alot..hehe u must never to do wat wat again la k..make me worry and of coz no matter what i'll always stand by you and make sure u;re ok!! :) i heart u loadz!!! mwaaaaakZ!!!!
hehee..gosh i so lub the dress in the pic :p hahaa..aihhh..suckz to be broke :(((
Despite being broke, i can't wait for xmas!!! Gonna be one awesome merry christmas this year baybeh..o yes, let;s do our RobPat eyes :P how do i spell two mrs.s? :P mrssRobPat!!! hahahaahaha..k k..i daydream to much :P
omgGGg MrssRobPat! Ahahahaha so cutee..hehehe & i promise i'll try to to be as mental as that night baybeh..dont wanna make u worried. But then again..what to do RobPat loves his women mental!!! Hehehehe =) HUGS!!! Suckz but nvm maybe we can find a better yet cheaper none in january perhaps =P Hehe Lotsa Love darlingg!!!
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