Friends we've missed..
So Ian was back in Kl since like a week ago & we only got to hang out this week.
Thats, because before this we were in S'pore of cosh.
Time has gone by in a blink of an eye. Its been 2 years since he migrated to Aussieland.
I remember the last time we were all talkng about how much he is gonna forget us etc & that was 2 year back!
Anyways, we did some serious catching up. Like 24/7.
Lol his been staying @ my place since Thursday! However, he will be flying back this Sunday though =( Sad Case we know.
Anyways, we couldnt waste any time at all so we really fully utilize our time by hanging out alot also not forgetting clubbing ALOT.
Plus, tonight he will be joining us @ Massive Rave cause obviously he is stuck with us till Sunday so he has to go tonight. Hahaha.
But im sure he really wants to go to this rave so badly too...LOL.
I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Then, after singing K @ Redbox Ian followed us back to our cribb.
Hahaha it was so hilarious cause its been like 3 years since he last stepped in my house or even saw my parents.
He use to spend like the whole day at our place because of the fact that his house is so bloodyy far. (that was back when he & christal was dating)
Good memories though =) Anyways, im glad you & Christal can finally be friends. Only after 3 years! LOL
So he met my dad & mum again & they were like so shocked to see him however everything went very smooth i would say. LOL
Later that night, we met up with Vic & Sab @ Hartamas Square to hang out like how we used to 2 years ago.
Happy moment are never forgotten =)
Then, Bambo9 & HQNINE it was. We were just so itchy didnt wanted to just end the night that way. Hahaha. Anyways, Sab & Vic didnt join us though
We then club hopped over to HQNINE =)
My sister who got drunk only after 1 bottle! WTF? Hahahaha
Because LapSaP was spinning. And they were beyond fantastic! I can see that everyone enjoyed so damn much. Lol. Sadly LapSap had to leave for Zouk @ 1am =(
Anyways, the dj after that wasnt tht bad either. DJ Cobra from USA =P
I had so much fun lastnight. the atmosphere & the company was so awesome!
I know we all just cant wait to party again @ Massive tonight! Gosh im counting down the hours already!
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