Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Beer Tarik!
Deevali Eve @ Bambo9
So last night we went down to Bambo9 @ TTDI to drink. Sadly, Jane couldnt make it coz last minute outstation.
But the funny thing is we had so much fun!
I brought my Grandpa with us this time because he came down to KL last minute..
Only leaving back to Spore on December so yayyy =)
So we partied all night long with Mable & Jackie plus my sis & her bf came to join too!
Next thursday yea darlingg. Hehe.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bleeding Love
Yesh darlingg i agree with you that Jesse Mccartney's version of Bleeding Love is soOO much better. Plus, he is infact the writer of that song anyways so why not make his own version of it. Im gonna get my hands on ur J.M Cd very soon to burn another copy for myself =)
So yerterday after a long long day @ work i met my darlingg jessie @ Curve =)
Boyy did we enjoy walking around & trying every single Shades in the mall. Lolx.
We had so much fun putting them on rite babe..and Yeshh purple looks Hot on u!
Lets get a different colour of the Same shades before you knoe where =P Then we can wear em together when you knoe what tooO. Hehe.
Then, we had Italianese for dinner. Wasnt actually dinner though because we were feeling rather full from our late lunch & so we decided to share a starter instead. Ohh for lunch jessie came to meet me @ TTDI because all my appointments was around that area. So we headed to Mama Restaurant & had Creamy Buttered Chicken,Sizzling Japanese Toufu & Yam! Our all time favourite dishes =P Its so amazing how we enjoy the same foood rite darlingg. Then for dinner @ Curve..we decided to have another one of our all time favourite which is the Spinach Artichoke something something @ Italianese! Very worth it because the very nice waiter refilled our bread & that made us soo full.
Then, after dinner we went down to Bambo9 (aka our 2nd home) for some heineken!
Its been awhile since the four of ur partied. Actually,to be frank its just a week. But feel like a year right girls? Hahaha. Jessie & Me went to meet Jane & Elayne there & we had so so much fun drinking & dancing.
Not forgetting the cam whoring larh. Hehe.
That small lil lady Chef looks so cute in my mummy's kitchen =) Thanks alot for it darlingg!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Bloody Day
The Worse Day of my Life...
It was a casual tuesday as usual. My family was getting ready for work while my youngest sister was getting ready for school.
Mummy left for work & Christiane left for school already.
Then,i started getting ready in my room for work too.
It was just me & daddy @ home as usual because we are the only ones leaving to work a lil later.
Christal didnt come home last night as she spent the night at her friend's place.
While getting ready, I suddenly heard daddy Yelling my name.
The first time he shouted my name, i was thinking to myself..
Hmm did i hear daddy yelling my name? Because i know it cant be.
But then he shouted my name again. He shouted in a tone where i knew something had gone really wrong.
I was putting on my eyeliner @ that time & so i chucked it aside & rush to the hall..
I found my Dad with Blood all over his body. I saw my Dad struggling for air.
He was gasping for air while telling me to call mummy.
At that time, My heart sank.
I was lost in translation. I didnt know what to do.
Immediately, i locked up my house door & started calling mummy.
Mummy didnt pick up her phone as daddy was struggling to tell me what had happen.
He was attack by these mother fuckers uncivilised indonesian workers with a Huge ''Parang''!
Parang as in Chopper!
I seriously panic & wanted to faint the moment i saw my hall flooding with blood stains all over!
All the neighbours was gathering outside my house.
It turns out that daddy was actually helping my neighbour who was being rob!
So we jumped into my neighbours car & immediately drove to the nearest Hospital which is Selayang Hospital(Useless piece of SHIT!)
I didnt had a choice & at that time i was in a total blur that i didnt even thought of other private hospitals. Im sure they would have given immediate attention to my dad's situation.
But at that time of the morning i knew it was going to be jam plus daddy was bleeding heavily & we just had to get him to the nearest hospital asap.
Mummy,Xtal,Uncle Andrew,Nana & Baby Dear all came in a rush to meet us @ Selayang hospital.
I was so frustrated because the useless nurses attended to him so damn slowly.
I thought of transfering daddy to a private hospital but we couldnt because he was bleeding too much already.
I was afraid there wouldnt be enough time!
Daddy had 23 Stitches alone at 5 of his fingers on his left hand(This was the most serious cuts on part of his body)
And also 6 Stitches on his neck.
Also he had bruises around him because he was struggling with the bloody mother fucker on the road outside of my house porch!
Plus, his back had 3 long scars but thank god the ''parang'' didnt go through or else daddy might lose his life.
Turns out the story is this.
My neighbour who is staying a few house down my road was being robbed.
Then daddy happen to be outside my house closing the gate when he witness the whole situation.
So after the robbers rob that guy..they speed past my house.
As they pass my house on their motorbike, Daddy kicked their motorbike. Thinking that they might fall down from it.
But they didnt. Instead as daddy was entering the house. They turned around with this Huge ''parang'' which my dad didnt notice earlier.
They came to my house & they pulled my dad out and attack him with the bloody thingy.
Neighbours say they were swinging it at him. Just slashing away!
Then daddy used the palm of his hands to grab the ''parang'' (which cost the deep cuts on his fingers)
They pushed daddy to the ground & daddy kept struggling with them.
They even slashed daddy on his head & neck which cost the deep long cut in between his head & neck.
The ''parang'' was so damn sharp till even daddy hair was cut off & at my car porch.
So my neighbour lady started yelling ''police!police!''
Then these 2 bloody uncivilised animals panic & speeded off in their fucking motorbike.
Even though daddy was badly hurt. But i thank god nothing bad happen to him.
What if this damn incident took his life away just like that in a blink of an eye?
And i was in my room using my damn make-up not knowing any of this happening just outside of my house!
What if these 2 animals came in & attacked me too?
At the point when they attacked my dad. They already had what they wanted.
They had already rob my neighbour's wallet & handphone.
But still they didnt hesitate at all to turn their motor around & come back just to attack my dad!If i can change anything, i wished my dad didnt kicked their motorbike or hep my neighbour only to get hurt back in the end.
But i also thank god that i woke up a lil later today & so i havent left to work at that time.
Or else daddy had to go to the hospital all alone while he couldnt even hold his handphone which his very bloody hands!
This whole situation this morning is still fresh in my memory.
The Most Worse Part of my entire life when when i heard my dad screaming my name & me running out to find my hall flooded with blood & daddy bleeding all over his body.
That was the worse scene i ever had to face in my entire life.
Just last night i was telling baby about how me & daddy arent talking this whole week due to some misunderstanding.
I told baby the relationship that daddy & me once shared is gone.
But after today, i had learnt the lesson of my life.
I will be absolutely devastated if i lost my one & only beloved father today.
I have learn to cherish & appreciated the ones around you especially your family because you never know what will happen next.
I think its a sign for me to start waking up.
It could have been anybody getting hurt today.
But why it had to be daddy. While no one was at home except me(whom is the only one not in talking term with him these days)
I had to face this situation today as a sign for me to wake up.
One of the most touching moments was when daddy was bleeding like hell in the hospital & he kept telling mommy:'' Dont worry about me,please worry about the worried if this were to happen to them instead.''
To the Mother Fucker Uncivilised Indonesian Animals.
I cursed you to death. I curse you that one day you idiots will be knock down hard by a truck!
Karma will strike you hard one day. Nothing good will ever come with doing something very bad.
One day something really bad like this will happen to your own family,then you will understand how it feels.
I pray to god that our USELESS police will somehow manage to catch you animals one day.
I'll be there to make sure you suffer the utterly most painful death I Swear!
At the moment,Grandpa has come down from Singapore to take care of our house.
Baby will be staying over this few days to make sure everythings okay when we leave to work.
I pray to god that i will never ever have to face this situation again.
God please keep my family safe as always.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pieces dont fit anymore..
So my main highlight of today was Tongue Piercing obviously.
Im absolutely loving the feeling of having something in the tongue. But at the same time its quite difficulf to eat.
Porridge also susah . Lolx. Good Diet Plan actually.
Anyways,basically i stayed home all day after going to get my tongue pierce @ Borneo Ink with my darlingg.
I cant wait for hers. She know i know can edi. Hehehe.
Am feeling rather excited about the New Year. You know i know also darlingg =)
Cant wait cant wait.
So i didnt go anywhere at all today. Jessie & me decided to get some DVDs before returning home from Hartamas earlier this noon.
I bought Fools Gold and also Sex & the City.
I'll give 2 Thumbs up to Sex & the City. As for Fools Gold it was really nice but i still prefer How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days =) keke. Thats like my ALL time favourite romantic comedy.
Baby enjoyed Sex & the City too. Surprisingly. Lol.
Perhaps because of all the unsencored Sex scene? haha. Just kidding.
Whats on tommoror's menu? Prolly Soft Boiled Eggs but definetly NOT porridge again.
Im really not very much of a Porridge person =(
So many birthdays this month. October is really the month of birthdays.
One Year has gone by so fast..I dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing?
So many things so many thoughts i would like to share about. My feeling.
There is so much i would love to say but..
But sadly,i will never express myself in a direct way. Not on this blog where people can read.
quite difficult to maintain this blog while i cant say much sadly =(
So i guess i'll just keep copying song lyrics & pasting it here.
We are drawing apart slowly as time goes by. Those were the days but its all different now.
Watching us fading & watching it all fall apart.
There's no use in trying When the pieces don't fit anymore.
Tongue Piercing
Today i went with mY darLingg to get my tongue pierced.
My darlingg managed to persuade me to pierce my tongue. Lol. Something i never thought i'd ever do in my entire life!
So we went over to Borneo Ink @ Hartamas. We were supposed to do it only on Deepavali coz that way i will have a few days of rest at least before returning to work.
But we were wayy too excited & decided to arrange for a earlier appointment =)
Its just something i had to do. I had to challenge my limits. I just knew i had to.
Haha. Anyways, it went very well. Thankfully i didnt faint =)
I cant wait for ur's too babe =P Very Sooon..Wheeee
Tattoo soon perhaps? We'll see next month ;)
Honestly, it really wasnt as pain as expected. I just felt a lil bit gross poking a whole into my tongue. Other than that, It was goood.
As for now,i cant really pronouce properly. But i do like the feeling of having something at the tongue.
NO Regrets Darlinggg! Now everytime i look at my piercing..i think of you. Hahahaha.
Love you loads!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Once a Clubber,Always a Clubber =)
Club Quattro Opening Night

Joey was the Dj @ Winter Bar =)
Club Quattro was very impressive. I personally liked Winter Bar because of its temperature..coooling but not so cooling when there ALOT of people la.
However,its a NON smoking Bar so sad case la. Music was GOOOd.
Joey G is the house DJ on thursday Nites =)
My ladies had so much fun together & im very very happpyy.
I didnt quite like Autumn though because if it werent for winter & spring i dont think its that impressive anymore.
Autumn was Huge but the interior design wasnt realli a big deal at all.
But i do think Quattro has alot of potential. Still have room for improvement.
A very successfull Opening Night because ALL seasons was FULL HOUSE.
Great Night yet again =)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Take me there
Am feeling rather lazy today. Gotta wake up earlier tomorror for work =(
I miss shoppinng so badly. I cant wait for you know what too my darling =)
Was supposed to get our tongue pierce today but sadly the shop is close on mondays & tuesdays.
Quattro this Thursday! The new Club @ Avenue K with a Four Seasons theme.
Wonder hows it gonna be like? As long as there's free flow of liquors..i'll be there =)
Yesh we got invites from a friend * isshh how irritating some guys can be
So my friends that'll be going this Thursday are Baby,Jessica me darlingg,Jane,Sammy,Sisty Cherry,Franco,Christal me Sister,Sabbie. Total of 9 of us.
Hopefully not boring la.
what to wear? Goshh i've worn almost ALL of my clothes in my closet already!
Think there something hidden in my closet? A nice dress perhaps? I hope..
Fredderick just called. My dear friend Left is getting married.
Those were the days when we were having tuition together in my home. Yeshh my mummy is a teacher.
And know his getting married!
Anyways,i wish the happy couple All the best =)
I'll have to crack my head out again on what to wear for his wedding.
Jane's Birthday last night @ Bambo9 was awesome.
The crowd wasnt there though. Weird. Where'd they gone too?
Usually its really pack on mondays!
Still, we had our own set of fun didnt we darlingg =) Lotsa cam loving moments especially.
Before B9 i met up wit my darling Jessica @ Ikea for some meatball loves.
hehe. I appreciate every single girly talk moments we have darling. So very glad to have met you again!
Did i mention i watched Disaster Movie? Sucks BIGTIME. but Expected la so whatever.
I tink the only stupid movie that was stupid enough to make me laugh is Scary Movie.
Hmm..ooh i've watch Bride Wars the movie trailer & its seems nice! A girly comedy movie starring HOT Anne Hathaway & Kade Hudson!
One of my 2 favourite actress =)
Gotta go now.. Yumcha with Cherry.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Family Outing
A Night with Cherry's Happening Family =)
Anyways, Sunshine Club was really wayy better than expected. The music was good & i guess it also depends on the company you go with.
Cherry's whole big family was there so we made a last minute decision to join em.
Usually,they hang mostly @ Zouk =) Lol. but this is my first time joining em though.
I didnt get to snap pictures of the whole family however.
Very very happening family my sisty Cherry has. Lol. I wish i had one like that!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Girlz gone wild!
Wayne's Surprise Poolside BBQ B'day Party
So after the party downstairs,we decided to head upstairs to Elayne's place.
Then, the all girlz photo session begin in her rooom. Crazy Shit.
Girlz gone Wild.
Yet , we were laughing at our drunken self. Taking crazy shots.
Im even laughing as im looking at the pictures.
Lotsa fun.
Last Night was fantabulous.
Every week seems to be getting crazier & crazier.
I miss clubbing. Shall we today? Keke.
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