Tongue Piercing
Today i went with mY darLingg to get my tongue pierced.
My darlingg managed to persuade me to pierce my tongue. Lol. Something i never thought i'd ever do in my entire life!
So we went over to Borneo Ink @ Hartamas. We were supposed to do it only on Deepavali coz that way i will have a few days of rest at least before returning to work.
But we were wayy too excited & decided to arrange for a earlier appointment =)
Its just something i had to do. I had to challenge my limits. I just knew i had to.
Haha. Anyways, it went very well. Thankfully i didnt faint =)
I cant wait for ur's too babe =P Very Sooon..Wheeee
Tattoo soon perhaps? We'll see next month ;)
Honestly, it really wasnt as pain as expected. I just felt a lil bit gross poking a whole into my tongue. Other than that, It was goood.
As for now,i cant really pronouce properly. But i do like the feeling of having something at the tongue.
NO Regrets Darlinggg! Now everytime i look at my piercing..i think of you. Hahahaha.
Love you loads!
hahaha AWESOME BABE! :) u look amazing with it..hehe..i cant wait to have mine too..u know where la :) hehehee..oOh u think of me each time u feel yr stud..hahahahaa *MAUGHTYYY*
i heart love u loads babe!
see u soon!!
*Naughty* i meant :P
Ahahahahaha yeahh darlingg dont worry this time it wont be too short kays love! Lol I cant wait for urs tooOOo! =)
Lotsa Love babee...
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